What is FIR therapy?
The visible range of the sun’s light includes the our familiar rainbow of colors. But only 44% of the full spectrum of sunlight is in the visible range. High –frequency ultraviolet rays make up 4% and can age skin prematurely or cause cancerous changes. Low-frequency infrared rays make up 52%. They are not harmful and do not damage the skin. Infrared light transmits more heat than ordinary light. FIR therapy uses far infrared light rays to provide some of the benefits of sunshine without direct exposure to the sun.
How does FIR therapy work?
Absorption of the sun’s rays helps stimulate the body’s metabolism. We need light in order to properly absorb certain nutrients and minerals. A lack of sunlight can lead to lower immune function, tension, fatigue, depression, and insomnia. FIR light raises the body’s temperature. This increases circulation via the dilation of blood vessels, which does not increase blood pressure.
FIR heat penetrates past the skin and our insulating fatty layer, 4-6 inches into the body. The heat resonates with the cells and invigorates them. The body responds to FIR therapy mats faster than to traditional heating pads, and the effects continue even after use is ended. The benefits of FIR therapy are enhanced by natural jade or tourmaline. The infrared rays emitted by our pads vary from 4μm - 14μm.
What are the benefits the FIR therapy?
Researchers have found that FIR rays can improve blood circulation, reduce symptoms of chronic diseases, alleviate pain, revitalize skin cells, strengthen the brain, cardiovascular system, and nervous system, and help restore muscle and joint elasticity. Studies have shown that FIR therapy enhances blood circulation, reduces ischemia, exerts an anti-inflammatory effects, reduces pain, and promotes better sleep. Unlike over-the-counter pain remedies, FIR therapy does not have gastrointestinal side effects.
How does a jade pad work?
Jade and other elements (such as tourmaline, germanium, or ceramics) are heated to emit FIR (far infrared) rays that penetrate the body at a depth of 5.5-6 inches. This produces benefits from the skin to the deeper areas if the body. Jade is an efficient absorber of natural infrared heat and passes it along to the body gently and smoothly.
Heated jade also emits negative ions, which help to counteract electromagnetic radiation put out by electronic devices such as computers, cell phones, and microwaves. Since negative ionization happens quickly with jade pads, twenty to thirty minutes may be enough to produce results.