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EHN Member Ethics Agreement


Empowering Health Network, Inc., (EHN) provides patients and consumers with reliable and relevant information upon which to make informed health care decisions, and to help patients find appropriate providers for their choices.  We therefore require that all health care providers affiliated with EHN adhere to a strict code of ethics as outlined below, and failure to adhere to these high standards is cause for immediate discipline and/or removal from our directories and any affiliation with EHN.

By becoming an EHN member you are in agreement,

  1. I agree that patients have the right to make decisions about their body and what treatment they elect to pursue or not pursue.
  2. I agree that I am responsible for helping patients understand all their treatment options, including no treatment, or treatments I disagree with, as well as the relevant risks and benefits based on scientific evidence and not solely my personal opinions.
  3. I agree that as a health care provider my role is to help my patients to the best of my abilities, and to try to do the most good.
  4. I agree with the first law of health care: “primum non nocere”. First, do no harm.
  5. I agree that my role is to provide treatment recommendations based on my best opinions, not necessarily those which provide the best compensation.
  6. I agree to always be fair with my patients and be able to justify my recommendations and actions.
  7. I agree to always obtain informed consent. This includes:
    1. Informing the patient of the presumed diagnosis
    2. Describing all reasonable treatment options, including no treatment, and the potential risks and benefits of various treatment options
    3. I agree that it is important to ensure that my patient understands the information I provide and has ample opportunity to ask questions.
  8. I warrant that my license is in good standing and that I have general and malpractice liability insurance in force in the minimum amount for my profession.
  9. That I am and will remain HIPAA compliant


This Ethics Agreement is in full effect on the date of becoming an EHN/ Help What Hurts Member.